Scott Adkins returns as Boyka in Undisputed 4

Great news for Boyka fans! Boyka: Undisputed 4 starts shooting in June 2015 with Scott Adkins set to return as Yuri Boyka and Isaac Florentine ready to direct once again. Larnell Stovall will be the fight coordinator, which is fantastic news considering how awesome the fights were in Part 3. The script has been penned by David White who also worked on the other 2 Boyka Undisputed movies; no other details are known as yet with regards to story however a few months back Isaac Florentine said at an interview, “Something is always changing in Boyka. That character is deeply religious. Already you see this in the scene that establishes him in Undisputed 2. In Undisputed 3 we see what motives him is that he is truly religious. Basically this will continue to motivate him in the next chapter…” Although an official release date has not been announced, the movie is expected to hit the screens in 2016.

Scott Adkins, the mega-talented actor and martial artist from Undisputed III and Assassination Games, let out a few tidbits of information over Twitter recently as well. He wrote that a script for Undisputed 4 is complete. Despite both director Isaac Florentine and Scott Adkins wanting to make it, it took time to secure funding for the film since Undisputed 3 was not a big hit, due in large part to people pirating the film. The fact that Adkins' Undisputed character Uri Boyka has developed a cult following among fans does not mean much if the movies are not commercially successful.

During an interview with Impact (via, Scott Adkins had this to say about Undisputed 4 while promoting Ninja 2: Shadow of the Tear, “It's great to do the festival circuit with films like this but I don't think watching it at home will spoil your experience… the real problem is the piracy and I really would hope that people that enjoy these types of films. Let's be honest, we don't get that many anymore. I hope they support it by buying it on whatever platform when they get the chance because it is getting harder and harder to finance these films because they make no money.”


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