UAE, Saudi Arabia are the worse for mobile internet connection speeds
Photo: Jupiterimages/Getty Images/Cornstock The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the world’s slowest mobile download speed and its neighbour, Saudi Arabia , is not much better, coming in a close second-to last, according to research carried out by the internet search giant Google. The emirates have an average speed of 26.7 seconds, with Saudi Arabia offering a mere 21.2 seconds, making the two Gulf nations the world’s ninth and 10th slowest, and barely comparing to the next slowest, Thailand with 17.4 seconds. Google measured web page load speeds on desktop computers and mobile devices in 50 countries with the fastest internet connections, according to a Bloomberg report. At the other end of the scale, South Korea has stormed in with an impressive 4.8 seconds, making it the world’s fastest for mobile speed. Denmark came in a close second boasting 5.2 seconds and Hong Kong 5.9 seconds, according to the Bloomberg report which cited Google's study. O...